Hippomed Air One inhalation mask for horses including accessories

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HippomedSKU: 3211862

Size: Flex inhalation mask for pony
Regular priceCHF 263.00   Sale priceCHF 257.00

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Hippomed inhalation mask for horses including accessories

You can find more information about the Hippomed AirOne inhalers here:

    • Size AirOne Flex inhalation mask including accessories for warmbloods

    • Size AirOne Flex inhalation mask including accessories for cold blood

    • Size AirOne inhalation mask including accessories for Shetty / Foal

    • Size AirOne inhalation mask including accessories for warmbloods

    • Size AirOne inhalation mask including accessories for cold blood

To see which mask is best suits your horse, You can use the bit size of your horse as a guide:

Bit size

Mask size



11.0 – 14.5 cm

Warmblood / Icelandic horse

> 14.5cm

cold blood

Scope of delivery:

  • 1x inhalation mask with silicone seal for horses (without Hippomed AirOne ultrasonic inhaler)

Frequently asked questions about the Hippomed Air One FAQ

What mask sizes are there?

  • For the AirOne (socket, wired): Shetty, pony, warmblood/Icelandic horse and draft horse
  • For the AirOne Flex (battery, without cable): Pony, warmblood/Icelandic horse and coldblood can be connected directly to the device. The Shetty mask can also be used for the AirOne Flex, using the 170 cm hose.

What is the difference between AirOne Flex and AirOne?

The AirOne Flex is battery operated, so you can easily use it in the pasture, for example, and there is no risk of tripping. The AirOne (without Flex in the name) has a power connection for the socket.

How do I put the mask on?

Always open the ventilation window at the front first, then from the throat over the nostrils (from the bottom back to the front).

How high do I have to put the mask on?

The mask only needs to fit slightly above the nostrils, not up to the start of the cheekbone.

What can you inhale?

Please always consult your vet before inhaling medication. Saline solution is usually safe and is available without a prescription.

How much contact liquid must be introduced into the nebulizer chamber?


How often do I need to change/refill the contact fluid?

  • If the water level indicator shows that there is too little contact liquid in the device
  • If visual contamination can be detected
  • If the inhaler is not used for more than a week

How should the inhaler be stored?

Dry and frost-free in the storage box provided.

What is the difference between the size of a warmblood / Icelandic horse and a pony?

  • The warmblood / Icelandic mask and pony mask both have the same housing.
  • The pony mask also has a silicone interior that can be removed and cut to size, which makes the mask tighter or narrower, so it may fit better for horses with narrow noses.
  • If the warmblood / Icelandic mask does not fit the horse perfectly, the removable silicone interior (click here) of the pony mask can also be reordered for the warmblood / Icelandic mask.

What do I do with the tube after inhaling?

After disinfection, rinse with enough water and hang up to dry in a suitable place. Do not hang on sharp edges or on the heater.

How long should you inhale?

We recommend once to a maximum of twice a day for 10 to 20 minutes or as recommended by the veterinarian.

How do I clean the Air One / Air One Flex?

All mask parts and the breathing tube must be disinfected after each use, then rinsed with water and then dried. The inhaler device can be wiped clean with water and a soft cloth.

Can I inhale multiple horses with the Air One / Air One Flex?

Yes, as many as you want! It is important to thoroughly clean/disinfect the mask parts before letting another horse inhale.

What are the advantages of ultrasonic inhalers?

  • The liquids are always nebulized in the right size so that they can reach the horse's lungs directly.
  • This can result in a significantly better side effect profile when administering medication compared to other types of administration.
  • Shorter application time.
  • Ultrasound devices are generally significantly quieter than conventional inhalers.

Which mask is suitable for my Icelandic horse?

  • The warmblood / Icelandic mask and pony mask both have the same housing. Therefore both are suitable for Icelandic horses.
  • The pony mask also has a silicone interior that can be removed and cut to size, which makes the mask tighter or narrower, so it may fit better for Icelandic horses with narrow noses.
  • If the warmblood / Icelandic mask does not fit the Icelandic horse perfectly, the removable silicone interior of the pony mask can also be reordered for the warmblood / Icelandic mask.

Are the sets (battery or wired) also available for Shetty / foal, pony or draft blood?

The sets for warmblood / Icelandic horses are currently available. For other sizes, please order the inhaler without mask and the matching mask separately.

Hippomed Air One Flex cordless ultrasound inhaler for horses (click here now )

Hippomed Air One ultrasonic inhaler for horses (click here now)

What is the droplet size or particle size of the Air One?

The particle size is between 0.5-6 μm.

How do I use the Air One Flex?

    Where does my order come from?

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    Your order will be safely packed in a recycled box at our nearest warehouse location, using environmentally friendly filling material & paper tape with watercolor paint . We ship bulky goods on an untreated wooden pallet. We pack in an environmentally friendly way with paper for recycling and thus protect the climate By keeping the delivery route as short as possible , we reduce delivery times and conserve resources. Every order from us contributes to an environmentally friendly way of online shopping.

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