KERBL thermal drinker

KERBLSKU: 221123

Länge: U.N
Sale priceCHF 77.00

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With the thermal drinker, your horses receive their water at a constant and pleasant temperature throughout the year

Thanks to a double wall equipped with thermal foam filling, the thermal drinker offers a high level of insulation. The closed housing prevents contamination and therefore ensures optimal water hygiene. In addition, the large outlet openings with a diameter of 10 cm enable quick emptying and rinsing.

  • Preservation of frost by freshly flowing water

  • constant water temperature that is pleasant for the animals at any time of the year

    • approx. 3 to 5 °C in winter

    • approx. 10 to 12 °C in summer

  • no power connection required

  • Frost-proof down to approx. -30 °C

Features duo:

  • for at least 20 horses

  • for the water supply of up to 30 animals

  • Capacity: 100 liters

  • Dimensions: 108.5cm x 70cm x 52.5cm

  • Weight: 42kg

Features Uno:

  • for at least 10 horses

  • for the water supply of up to 15 animals

  • Capacity: 40 liters

  • Dimensions: 60cm x 70cm x 52.5cm

  • Weight: 32kg

Other features:

  • for floor mounting

  • with drain plug

  • Material: Plastic

  • Connection option: from below

  • Flow rate: 3 bar 24 l/min

Everything you need is included in the scope of delivery: floor seals, replacement seals for the float valve and drain plug, flexible stainless steel hose, pipe insulation, ground anchors

Here you will find the float valve for thermal drinkers Duo and Uno (click here) as a spare part.
Delivery: Delivery is free of charge by a freight forwarder including unloading, within Germany and Austria. Please provide a mobile phone number when ordering so that the carrier can coordinate the delivery date.

Where does my order come from?

Environmentally friendly and fast delivery, thanks to the shortest possible delivery routes and high product availability at several delivery locations for Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Short delivery routes, through several warehouse locations, for Germany and Austria. Customers from Switzerland benefit from our Swiss distribution warehouse, further information » .

How will my order be shipped?

Your order will be safely packed in a recycled box at our nearest warehouse location, using environmentally friendly filling material & paper tape with watercolor paint . We ship bulky goods on an untreated wooden pallet. We pack in an environmentally friendly way with paper for recycling and thus protect the climate By keeping the delivery route as short as possible , we reduce delivery times and conserve resources. Every order from us contributes to an environmentally friendly way of online shopping.

Estimate shipping

Gratis Versand ab 199€ für Deutschland, Österreich & EU. Schweiz.


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